Hmmmmm in his own words Manafort admits to collusion with the Russians in 2016.
Seig heil????
I loved Kelly's response to Trump when he told him, "You do know that they (the generals) tried to kill him three times, right?" Trump didn't even know that. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.
Lost interest after reading this byline under the article's title 'How Mark Milley and others in the Pentagon handled the national-security threat posed by their own Commander-in-Chief.' Mark Milley is the last person to be lecturing anyone about national security threats.
Degeneracy was yes. There are lots of studies on it. Maybe Monkey pox got them? I am not sure what good there is in destroying family units in America, but like most things with the "left" there is always "this time is different". Guess we will wait and see huh?
You could also say it was too big to manage or Christianity or the internecine wars fought for succession to be the emperor or immigrants or barbarians or loss of civic pride or innumerable other things. There is no one reason Rome “fell” in fact rather than falling, evaporated is a more apt description. Rome was a small city that developed a word beating military that ate more than it could digest. It was a system that had no means of creating wealth other than conquest. When it’s reach couldn’t meet its needs it started eating itself. Fortunately for it there was no other state capable of replacing it.