She could use your very best right now, so cheer up and give her every reason to smile. The fastest way to heal is through a positive outlook. I am certain the trip to your spot will aid in bringing just that. Best to you both.
Thanks buddy for your thoughts and this trip will help her emotions a bunch. Was a lost Cajun myself but Akaska was a sportsman paradise too so wasnt so bad. Enjoy your Thanksgiving amigo.
Hey, I let you have the first one but it's not really my style to turn the other cheek so phuck you. My mom has Parkinson's but you don't know that OR her so post what the phuck you want about her. I don't give a shit what your opinion is any way. I don't even think you're really going camping, or that there even is a Katie, for that matter.
Dont know who raised you but they they either totally screwed up or you were just born a complete asshole. You jumped into my post with an ugly reference about my wife. My wife has stage 3 Invasive Lobular Carcinoma you fucking worthless prick. You are not funny you are pathetic. My wife means everything to me and you drug her into the gutter. To watch this angel go through what she has gone through and smile and keep her class and dignity and have a disgusting human being like you soil her. Post whatever you want you are a cowardly vile little man.