Cameron had a check up from the Pulmonary Hypertension specialists yesterday. They did an ecko and an ekg, she seems to be doing well. They were pleased with the results. Now, if we could only get passed these gagging episodes things would be "normal". We are told she should grow out of this.
I had a really bad, scary day on Tuesday the day of this article. I have to share something that happened with you all that scared the hell out of me. I found this article on the net and was reading about it and it scared me to death. I will let you read it, I sent it to Aimee Doran who is Dr. Ivey's assistant at the Children's Hospital here in Denver. This is what happens when you assume things: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the response I got from Aimee after I wrote her a letter and sent her the link: --------------------------------------------------------------- Allen, I tried to reach you at home to discuss this. Feel free to call me today or tomorrow if you would like. In a nutshell, Cammy is doing very well and responding to her therapies. There are many causes of pulmonary hypertension. The children sited in that article had primary or idiopathic PH (which Cammy does not have) and were from Canada where treatment is limited. There is a lot of information out there on PH that you need to be careful with as it frequently does not tell the whole story. Again, you can rest assured that we are very happy with Cammy's improvement and are optimist that things will continue to improve even further in the future. If things were to change, Dr. Ivy is always very upfront with families, so you all would know right away. Regards, Aimee
No worries, thats what we get for assuming..... That hit a little too close to home, close call! :bncry:
I am sorry you had such a scare, and happy for you it was only a scare and that Cammy's doctors are encouraged over her progress. Lots of prayers and good thoughts for your family.
Cammy update time! Cammy just had a check up from her cardiologist and he is pleased at how well she is doing. He says that her heart size is just about back to normal. She has a full head of hair and is very active, playing with toys. She wants to be held all the time! She will be 1 year old on 2/3/06 and the doctors didn't think she would make it when they first saw her in 2/05, it is a remarkable story. We are so happy and blessed that she is doing so well. I just simply can't tell you how happy I am. God is great and prayers do work thanks to all of us. Just a side note, I have been in Gulfport working since December, I miss the family but the webcam works pretty well, almost like being home. I will go back home for Cammy's operation to close a hole in her heart in April.