Wow! I've never seen this thread before and had no idea of the trials your family has been through. I will definitely keep your little girl and family in my prayers. I started at the first of the thread and didn't understand why I couldn't pull up the first set of pics until I saw the date. I'm so sorry for everything that she's had to go through, but I see that God has made her a fighter and she's doing well. I'm so glad to see the latest update shows that she's healthy.
I always look forward to updates on Cami. I'll bet you cannot believe she'll be five in just a few months!
Tell me about it. Look at it this way, Tyler was four when Cami was born and he will be nine in May! I just can't believe it! Anyway, I have a confession!:redface: There are like 2 other Threads with the name Cameron update that you can do a search to read the beginning of the story. That is before I realized you could do a search to pull up your old thread!:redface:
A few pictures of the children! Welcome to Facebook | Facebook Welcome to Facebook | Facebook Welcome to Facebook | Facebook Welcome to Facebook | Facebook
Login | Facebook I updated my facebook album this morning in case anyone is interested. God Bless, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Ok, How weird is this, look at the date that I updated this last time. Steve was asking how Cami was and so I thought I'd give a new update real quick. Cami has been in good health and seems to be doing great but they believe her thyroid test was borderline. Her appetite seems to have changed about the same time. Its like she can't get enough milk or feedings at a time. Sometimes I wonder though if because she is 7 now and is quite taller, older than she used to be. We have to retake the thyroid test in about a months time. We are having some trouble getting her to feed herself, she can eat solids pretty good BUT she always goes to her can, it is what she has known her whole life. As a parent its very frustrating to have to start over trying to get a 7 year old to feed themselves. She acts like she wants the quick fix and is too busy to stop and eat regular food. She isn't given feeding options at school, we have her eat the same lunch with all her classmates. God Bless, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year this year as well!