Well, its been quite a while since I have updated Cammy's page here mainly due to the fact that I wasn't a contributor for a little while but we are back now! Anyway very exciting news and things are happening here! Cammy had an echo and EKG in May and her cardiologist decided trying to take her off her medicine so she has been medicine free since May. She will go back in July for another round of tests to make sure nothing has changed. What a long journey it has been! Summer activities are in full swing here with Tyler involved in swimming, softball and roller skating. Cammy is involved with a gym class! Anyway think you all for your support and its nice to be back! Here are some pictures, its amazing to see just how the kids are growing up when comparing pictures! http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/kids/index.htm
SDM, thanks so much for the update. Cammy is an absolute doll; I know she's your little angel. It's been a long journey for you and your family, I know, but I'm happy to hear that Cammy is free of meds!
those kids are growing like weeds! its good to see cammy looking happy and healthy. love those rosey cheeks!:thumb:
This is one of the threads I always look for, thanks for sharing with us! Glad to see things are going well, and for Tyler too:thumb:
Another update! Cammy had an echo and an ekg yesterday and the results was normal. The cardiologist said everything looks perfect and used the term amazing compared to where she came from when this all first started. She doesn't have to go back for testing for 8 months now! There is no doubt in my mind that prayers do and did work! We have found the perfect private pre-school for Cammy. She will start on 8-25 and Tyler will start on 8-5. Can you believe how early kids start school these days? I don't remember starting until around labor day! http://www.riseschool.org/denver/index.html Btw Some people don't believe miracles still happen today but that is only because they choose NOT to believe. Thank You all once again!
That is great news indeed. I pray you and your family's blessings continue. You have set an example through this on how to be a good father and husband. A lot of men would have ran from such an obligation. Have a great weekend brother.