I was told last night that they will slowly take her off her medicines. She will be having checkups such as an echo in the coming months and years to make sure it doesn't come back. The doctors don't think it will come back. We are also excited because we now can travel back into the mountains. We were banned from going because of Cammy's condition.
SDMan, thanks so much for sharing these things with those of us here. I can't imagine how tough it was for you being away from home during these past few weeks all the while knowing about the possible surgery for her. You've gotta be soooo elated getting this latest news! It's so nice to find out that she is doing so well. She's a little 'fightin tiger indeed. :tigerhead
The funny thing is that she also had surgery in January. Nothing quite like this though, they had to move her nisson because that was too tight and gave her a hernia from gagging. We are now trying to have it removed because we think we could do that and be safe now. A nisson is where they tie the top of the stomach so she can't throw up. They didn't want her to throw up because she had a hole in her throat to where milk would then enter her lungs and that would be obviously very bad especially with a lung disease. I woke up this morning and could breathe more easily, the sun and the world seems to be a much brighter place than the past year. Things really do seem to be returning to "normal" for my family and I. 1995 was a horrible year for us for some reasons. Not just Cammy, My son also. We found out he has a form of Autism, Arsbargers or something like that. It is very mild and he is very intelligent, he will be five in May. I haven't been able to admit this or deal with it very well up until now. I plan to make a new post "about yourself" on this forum dealing with issues in life and lessons learned soon. I plan to talk about a few issues I had to deal with the past year and how it made me learn about life and myself.
Thank God your prayers were answered. We were all pulling for you and your family. Like I said before, in a few years you're gonna look back on all this and wonder if it was real. My 2 premie son's are now 23 and 18 and even though they didn't have as many problems as Cammy, it sure does make you stop and look at life from a different perspective. They have grown up to be fine, young men, just as Cammie and her big brother will. Take care and remember we're all family here at TF's!
Totally happy for you SD. The Lord does indeed hear our prayers, and he answers em too. All the best my friend.
Wonderful news. I think of Cammy and your family often. Kind of a been there/done that. I think those that possess that extra chromosome are natural born fighters and they can teach the world to sing!!!!!!!!!
I just found this again, I am so happy that she didn't hafta have the surgery. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers, please keep us posted on how both her and your son are doing, as there are people on this board who really care what happens to them.
Pictures of the Family.... Cammy is doing wonderful. Tyler is doing well, for those who don't know we found out that Tyler has "mild" Austism. They are both getting the therapy that they did. We are all very happy once again even though the last year was very difficult, once Cammy was better we then found out about Tyler. Things have been really wonderful since March. I am still working the Gulf coast and haven't been home since December! I'm hoping and praying I can go home this week and it could happen! We all thank you and God bless! Sorry it took so long for some pictures. http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/b_jpg.jpg Cammy http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/c_jpg.jpg Cammy http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/d_jpg.jpg Tyler http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/f_jpg.jpg Tyler http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/g_jpg.jpg Tyler http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/h_jpg.jpg Tyler and myself http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/m_jpg.jpg Tyler http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/n_jpg.jpg Tyler http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/p_jpg.jpg Kim, Tyler and Cammy for Holloween http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/r_jpg.jpg Cammy on Holloween http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/u_jpg.jpg Tyler on New Years Eve http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/v_jpg.jpg Cammy on her piano http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/w_jpg.jpg Cammy and her toys http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/x_jpg.jpg Cammy waking up http://home.comcast.net/~misssile/family/images/z_jpg.jpg A happy Cammy