I'd have to go back and look but I think this is correct. Yep. This is the main reason the DA gave for not bringing charges. Terry, exactly what part of that nonsense do you agree with? The DA said in his interview that it was all about the sweat while we were all in the AC.
They are over 18. Do the crime, do the time. This country is filled with parents who will not admit that their child did anything wrong. Hell the dad of the serial rapist killer in Virginia swore his son would never do anything like that. DNA proved him wrong. I guess it would be asking a little too much of Saban to expect more from his players and to set an example. He talks like he's all about discipline. Here's his chance to prove it and to say that just because the DA is a pussy, he isn't.
Get a tissue: The very irony is that their entire punishment will be served in the GD air conditioning....
So any bad guy who moves to Monroe and gets a manuel labor job has carte blanche to commit as many ctrimes as he wants