Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Jester, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. Zackardo

    Zackardo Founding Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    The NCAA approach of pointing to a loophole and shruging it all off is bad enough, but SEC bylaws specifically refer to a player OR a member of his family. If the commish violates bylaws to save Cam Newton and the SEC's share of BCS money, how is anyone possibly supposed to believe that SEC refs call a fair game when a BCS contender is involved? The question of whether refs are encouraged to assist undefeated teams ought to no longer be a question.

    I also consider the amazing speed of the NCAA appeals process to be evidence that the whole ineligible/eligible status deal was pre-arranged.

    This is also a terrible time to make this kind of ploy. I oompletely agree that a QB for a 7-5 team stays home. But here's another theoretical question. Do you believe the SEC plays the eligibility shell game if 11-1 LSU steps right up into Auburn's spot in the Championship Game? More importantly, do you think non-SEC fans believe this proposition?
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    LEGACY TIGER Defy Yourself

    Mar 8, 2008
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    That is the very point I was trying to make before the LSU/Ark and Bama/AU games. That had LSU and Bama won the SEC would have had a viable replacement for AU to play in the SECCG and have a chance to go to the MNC in LSU. Wouldn’t have been a guarantee to make it to the MNC, just like AU isn’t a guarantee, but still a viable replacement. This was why my source believed that had those games gone differently that the AU/Cam news would have been different, and that Cam/AU would have been sent up the river. It is all about the money. Had the SEC and the NCAA had a way to keep their share of the BCS money with another SEC team, AU/Cam would not be going to the SECCG or a BCS bowl. Since none of that happened the SEC and the NCAA decided to exploit a loophole to allow AU/Cam to keep pushing forward. The precedent the SEC and the NCAA are setting here just goes to further the belief that there are crooked dealings going on behind the scenes with the SEC, NCAA, and others.

    USC should have every right to question the NCAA on this one, it goes completely against their ruling on the Reggie Bush incident, with the exception of no one is rolling over on Cam/AU like they did Bush, and until someone does, this may go absolutely nowhere. I just don’t believe that no money exchanged hands to get Cam to switch from Miss St to AU given that there was a pay for play scheme in place.
  3. Tigerbnd05

    Tigerbnd05 National Champs 2003 2007

    Aug 5, 2003
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  4. Tigers Paw

    Tigers Paw Founding Member

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Exactly. It's only a matter of time.
  5. sugarlsu

    sugarlsu Founding Member

    Jan 28, 2004
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    I am starting a new business. I am auctioning off all the 5 star players on rivals. If they happen to go to the college, I get paid. If not, I don't. Either way the kids get to play.

    Why not?
  6. whodatnot

    whodatnot I'm taking the day off

    Aug 31, 2005
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    The saga of SCam and pimp daddy Huggy Bear:

    SCam gets lured to gator country to play for CUM. He don't know better from his upbringin, gets caught with a stolen laptop and tosses it out of the window when the fuzz shows up at his crib. Tells the po'lice I didn't know the laptop was stolen, I always throw stuff out that window with my throwing arm for practice. SCam then gets caught cheating in school a few too many times and decides to SCram and hideout in the junior hood to let the heat die down while pimp daddy puts the word out on the streets to the highest sucka.

    Pookie tried to get a piece of the action for the Moos in the piney woods until Big Money ChinzGrip pulls out a big wad of green bills. SCam and Huggy Bear just love the smell of them greens and decide to load up the caddy and head to the Girls School in North Alabamie. Now Pookie, who got SCammed, wants his rep cleared cause now they all in trouble with the FBI snoopin round.

    Nino SEC Brown, seeing his cash empire crumbling around him with that New Year's money on the line, hires G-Money, the best Alabamie Lawyer, to write up a smoking hot press release about how the SEC interprets its own laws. He figured most people from the south wouldn't understand what G-Money wrote and think it'll be alright if SCam plays cause Nino said so. Besides, SCam's just a youngin who just knows how to win football games. The youngin said so, "my biggest concern is winning football games." Why else do you go to that NA Girl School other than to win football games and get a cash salary. So now, the Girl School sits and stands Scam all within 24 hours and Nino thinks his BCSNC cash register is back in business. Just gotta make sure the payments are made to the zebra crew in Atlanta.

    They should make a movie about this story. Thanks to all the characters in this saga for bringing college football here. I guess it ain't about the game anymore.

    LEGACY TIGER Defy Yourself

    Mar 8, 2008
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    At this point cracking jokes is about all one can do, because the way this went down is a joke. It would be one thing if there wasn’t any evidence that anything happened, but there is, and they admit it, and they admit that because there is a loophole that is why they chose that route. Not that I wanted anything bad to happen to Cam or AU, but there pointing that something happened, leaving bigger questions than before. Yep I guess making jokes about it is the only thing left to do.
  8. mcstraycat

    mcstraycat Founding Member

    Aug 24, 2006
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    I just can't believe they are willing to set this precedent.

    All future college prospects....
    Just let Daddy handle the money. As long as the NCAA can't prove you know, they can't hurt you.

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  9. bayareatiger

    bayareatiger If it's too loud YOU'RE TOO OLD

    Oct 23, 2002
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    Looks like our old buddy Mark Emmert is in the middle of this.

    Sounds like a lots of lawyeresque bullsh!t to me. Nice @ss cover dude. :dis:

    [ame=""]NCAA president Mark Emmert understands Cam Newton backlash - ESPN@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

  10. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    This is so true. Kind of gives a little more credibility to the conspiracy theorists crying foul last year with the referees assisting both the Gumps and FU reach the SEC championship unblemished. We were directly affected by what we thought was just a blown call with the Peterson (non) interception and Ark got hosed big time in their game in Gainesville. Now it appears it was outright corruption at play.

    Definitely a black eye for the SEC. Enjoy your ill gotten gains War Eagles. If you win it all (or even the SEC for that matter), you deserve an asterisk next to your name in the record books.

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