Not always. There is no doubt a little o can be used to replace intercourse entirely to willfully avoid pregnancy, or simply for pleasure. This, like masturbation or anal sex takes the purpose out of sex. It can also be a part of a sexual act that is open to the conception and used as a method of arousal. There is nothing intrinsically wrong in that.
No it doesn't. Depraved means something "totally immoral or wicked" and implies a warped character or twisted mind.
Yeah, lets just throw all the words that mean the same thing out there. Main Entry: de·praved Pronunciation: \di-ˈprāvd\ Function: adjective Date: 14th century : marked by corruption or evil ; especially : perverted — de·praved·ly \-ˈprā-vəd-lē, -ˈprāvd-lē\ adverb — de·pra·ved·ness \-ˈprā-vəd-nəs, -ˈprāvd-nəs\ noun Link
what i meant was, if oral is the "end result", it is to be considered "depraved" under the rules you are citing.
Interesting first reply. Welcome to TF. Of course you continue to love your sister. No thinking person would expect you to do otherwise. But it is clear you do not understand the basis for the augument against gay marriage. It is not that gay marriage will negatively affect any specific marriage; it will not. What it will do is change the definition of marriage and this will have a negative affect on the institution of marriage. It is not that those who oppose gay marriage are against homosexuals; most are not. It is just that they are pro-marriage. Marriage is a social institution for a social end: the raising and nurturing of children. That is the definition of marriage. By allowing gays to marry marriage ceases to be a social institution and becomes a personal instiution. It is no longer about children; it now becomes about adults. But if you remove children as the primary focus of marriage, you end the very justification for marraige in the first place. That is why gay marriage changes the definition of marriage and endangers the institution itself. This makes the issue everyone's business. As far as your diatribe against the Bible and anyone who believes in God, about 90% of the earth's population believe in some sort of supreme being. They are not superstitious, ignorant or biased for so believing. They are simply people of sincere and abiding faith who believe that what we are dealing with in life are values that go beyond this world. The Bible is many things but it is not gibberish; it is the normative document of life. The Bible mentions many instances of dishonesty and violence as a fact of life but nowhere does it rejoice in it or justify it. As for the need to change, that need lies in every human heart. Becuase of our human imperfection we are all in constant need of conversion. I pray one day you will take time to read what you seem so willing to condemn; then perhaps you will find that your life has also been in need of change.
well, to be fair, they are the very definition of superstitious. that dang imperfection and guilt, it gets us every time. maybe you should go atheist and divert your guilt into environmentalism. everyone is doing it.
OK. Main Entry: depraved Part of Speech: adjective Definition: corrupt, immoral Synonyms: abandoned, bad, base, debased, debauched, degenerate, degraded, dirty*, dirty-minded, dissolute, evil , fast*, filthy*, flagitous, gone to the dogs, kinky*, lascivious, lewd, licentious , low, mean, miscreant, nefarious, perverted, profligate, putrid, rotten, shameless, sinful, twisted, unhealthy, unnatural, vicious, vile, villainous, vitiate, vitiated, wanton, warped, wicked Antonyms: good, honorable, just, moral, noble, pure, uncorrupt, upright, virtuous