nah, my parents are pretty forward thinking along those lines. they actually think that living together before marriage is a good idea. and that marriage isnt even a requirement after that. now if i had brought home an ou grad/fan, i would have been disinherited no matter what the arrangement. uh oh..... my next confession's gonna take a while.
I find it ironic that some of the very same religious institutions that have physically and mentally abused generations of children, are now very concerned that some other group might possibly do it. C'mon Father, puff puff give!
not really, I wasn't prepared to argue that children would be under a higher risk of molestation by their parents.
I can think something is wrong while at the same time being sexually aroused by it. It's also arousing for me to dream about having sex with some other woman than my wife... :nope:
Yeah. Depraved means something is corrupted. The contraceptive makes the sexual act depraved by removing the natural purpose of procreation.