No, but how are you so heavy handed on homosexuality while ignoring the sin of spilling your seed on the earth?
nothing you said is not exactly perfectly correct. too bad obama is a christian and believes that marriage is exclusively for a man and woman.
"heavy handed" :hihi: i think only strict preVatican II catholics (eg mel gibson) still buy into the "Every Sperm Is Sacred" bit. i was taught that masturbation is a sin because if you think it, it is as bad as doing it. i personally dont know why so many have such a gut-wrenching hatred for homosexuality. i guess maybe they think they will convert/corrupt the younguns. i'll look for a study about % of pervs that are queer. i dont think they are overrepresented.
not sure if anyone cares, but here's what i found with a quick look--- child molestations are not more likely to occur by homosexuals. here is a webpage that seems to back up the argument well with believable references. Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation "The empirical research does not show that gay or bisexual men are any more likely than heterosexual men to molest children. This is not to argue that homosexual and bisexual men never molest children. But there is no scientific basis for asserting that they are more likely than heterosexual men to do so. And, as explained above, many child molesters cannot be characterized as having an adult sexual orientation at all; they are fixated on children. " i would think there could be some reasonable debate about these conclusions since they do not count all male-male molesters as homosexual. im sure many would say all males that molest males are by definition homosexual, but if they do not have adult male-male relationships and do not define their orientation as homosexuals then whats the point? seems like many anti-gay people are concerned about gays defined by sexual orientation (dont let them marry and dont let them be part of normal society--be a teacher for example). well, if some creep is fixated on children regardless of sex but does not have adult relationships with men, is not attracted to men, or does not consider himself homosexual then there is nothing to do because you dont know who they are.
We can determine from our human nature that the sexual act has two main purposes, a procreative one, and a unitive one. Both of these aspects have to be there for sex to truly function as nature, and by extension, God intends. When we take the sex act out of these natural norms we come to sexual depravity. Gay sex can never be procreative, but it can be argued that it can be unitive. Masturbation can neither be procreative nor unitive. Similarly sex with the use of contraception is a depraved act as it removes the procreative nature of the sex act. It is because of the lack of meeting both of these natural reasons for sex that the Catholic Church recognizes gay sex, masturbation, and sex acts performed with intent to contracept as sinful.
and where does that leave sex between a man and a woman with no contraceptive and not for procreation (for instance, when it is KNOWN that one or both of the partners cannot conceive)? after all, that is unitive only.
i dont know how you come up with this. who "determines"? what "human nature"? i get, mostly, how the rest would follow. (although youre pretty repressed if you think masturbation cant be unitive)