I don't have strong feelings on the issue because I just don't see how it affects me one way or the other. I'll have to be a moderate and admit mixed feelings on this one. Obviously, gay people are tax-paying citizens and cannot be denied any legal right due to any citizen. They should be able to have inheritance and property rights, tax rights, family privileges with doctors, lawyers, etc., so some kind of legal civil union for established gay partners must provide for this. But the word marriage also has deep social and religious connotations as well as its legal status. It involves sacred rites, procreation, and the legitimacy of children and goes back for millennia. I see no reason for the ancient social and religious bonds of the institution of marriage to be flaunted and trodden upon simply in order to establish legal rights for gay citizens.
I understand that, but gay people are not prohibited from marriage. They are prohibited from gay marriage which is not real marriage it is a word play. I understand that some gay people want to act as if they are married, but they cannot actually be married as marriage is a union between a women and a man which is derived from society's need to procreate and sustain itself.
the govt got involved where they shouldnt have and now they have to clean up this mess. seems like marriage is religious and civil unions are not. the govt should recognize any marriages recognized by any religion.
I really dont know how I feel about this anymore, I was mostly against the word marriage applying to gay couples. Until one of my best friends for the past 2 years, came out to me around Christmas, It hit me in the face like Id never thought something would. I was deeply conflicted for the next month, because he is such a great friend of mine. I was in a state of shock for about a month. But now im ok with it and he tries to talk to me about his relationship with another guy, it still feels awkward, but i understand it more the feelings behind it, which I didnt in the past. Id be ok with a civil union for him, but I probably wouldnt show up to his wedding.
It's simply amazing how you can see it and not see it at the same time....... What the above verses are saying is that God gave the people over to their unseemly desires because they turned their back on Him. We must fight against this country turning its back on Him. In this case, that means voting for measures that uphold God's laws. I agree with this statement. That's why I have a Relationship rather than a Religion.
see to me that is crazy talk. havent enough people been persecuted, killed, and been ostracized because of religion?