No need to look far. Why not? Mentioning the word ethereal as an aside to the topic at hand caused the entire discussion to derail into a diatribe against religion and spirituality by you. And now it seems you don't even realize you have done this. Which sounds exactly like those zany religious folks you have such a big deal with. Having a mind free of stray thoughts is more difficult than you would think. Maintaining lucidity while your body "sleeps" is a challenge. I don't know what a soul/spirit is, it may or may not die when the body does... The essence of you, the spark of life, that which drives will? What do you think will is? The difference between philosophy and spirituality may not be so great, though you may be too cynical, sarcastic, and egotistical to notice it. The ultimate conclusion I came to, I believe which is argued elegantly by Kierkegaard and maybe Ernest Becker, is that life without God is irrational, and the only way life can be rational is if there is a God. I'm sure I've bastardized their positions, but that's what's stuck with me after a number of years. Not that you care for intellectual honesty or compassion, you seem to be looking strictly for leverage, particularly in the way you've abandoned the topic of the thread. Hijack. PS: As I've said before, no need to go on faith. Try something palpable like meditation and introspection. You explain away your need to try, which is really telling.
if you say so, dude. i just dont agree with whatever you are saying. yeah, i just was daydreaming and also sleeping minute ago, and i am exhausted. i will need to daydream and sleep more to rest. your terms are ridiculous. "essence of you"? "spark of life"? what? do you go to a church where a stripper is the pastor? i like the way you use words in the way most aggressively opposed to their meanings. you are not serious. try something palpable and not based on faith, like meditation? hahah, come on man, be serious. try what? daydreaming? i told i genuinely dont know what you are talking about. meditation? these words do not mean the same thing to me that they do to you. we have totally different reference points on the world. like i said, the words you use have no meaning to me. it is like you are saying "why dont you try {inset random gobbledygook}!". know what i mean? i cant make heads or tails of what you are saying because you are talking nonsense.
You derailed the subject by going off about a single word I used that was far from integral to the point I was making. You are in denial. Sarcasm - the key to a fulfilling life. Oops, more words that cause Martin hives. Can you only operate when cold and callous words are used? You guffaw because you have tried it? It doesn't require faith, it requires patience and the ability to consider that you might not know everything. It seems you are handicapped by this concept that everything outside of your view of reality is laughable. Do you have the ability to sit still for 1 minute? 10 minutes? 1 hour? Do you have the ability to focus on 1 thing for 1 hour without allowing thoughts like, "I'm gonna git drunk tonight" to enter your mind? I imagine you'll laugh and say why bother, but really what weight does your argument against spirituality have behind it if you don't? The weight of, "Well, I am sooo much smarter than everyone else?" You may be smart, very smart, but there are other smart folks in the world. You aren't that smart.
i like words that represent actual things. again, i have no idea what you mean. try what? meditation? what is that? what is supposed to happen? yeah oh yeah no sweat. will i see jeebus? ganesh? will i feel the spirit? does the spirit hate when i move around and only approaches when i am quiet and still? i can only focus for one silent hour about how drunk i will git. why bother what? sitting quietly? i love a nice quiet sit. when i do it my soul doesnt act fancy or whatever. if only i were smarter i would understand "sprituality".
Like "the"? What is "will"? If you cared to try these things can be easily found. If you want to discuss it further, PM me. So you've tried it? It's not just sitting, its focusing on not being distracted. I don't know how smart you are, but it seems you think you are smarter than any person can be.
thats ok, i think i get it. it involves magic and sorcery. no, but a friend of mine tried it. her soul appeared and they high fived. then she went back to her job dancing at the spearmint rhino. look, i tired myself out. you believe in absurd magic, just like almost everyone else. congratulations, you are a lunatic. good luck with that.
In other words, nothing you ever say about religion and spirituality is to be taken seriously because your only basis of argument is your imagination. You say you deal with the palpable, but in the next breath you argue based on something that you've dreamed up... that, and sarcasm. It is my hypothesis that you will continue to speak as though your opinion matters in regard to spirituality and religion. You are part of an nonexclusive club with religious zealots and extremists from many walks of life.