Yea...its a wait and see thing for me because I have so little knowledge that I can't have a good opinion. But they say small business will be hurt. Like the tax proposal, I'll have to wait for a year or more and read about the evaluation and analyses before I have a valid opinion...I'm no economist.
Here is who won't be hurt... At&t, Verizon, Comcast etc etc. Everyone else will take it right up the ass. Now what is your opinion?
Trump likes to scream fake news and CNN and MSNBC is fake news, but those are going to be a few of the media outlets in the “fast lane”
Not at all, but the bloodsuckers hadn't figured out a way to bleed us for more $$$ yet. Now they have AND have been given the green light to do so.
So wait. Y'all are complaining about something that was in place up to 2 years ago? Obama put regulations on a free enterprise and you want to keep regulations? You want the gov't to regulate the Internet? They can't do anything right. Let free enterprise occur. If person A uses more bandwidth than person B they should pay more for it