That is exactly my point. I have no meter to determine prayer is not involved in an unexpected cure. Obviously, neither do you have a meter to prove that prayer was a factor. It sometimes takes a cynical response to point out the flaws in a bogus claim. Both the ultra-religious and the atheists often make outreageous pronouncements that are impossible to prove.
when you use quotes, use them correctly! i never said "only" . the word "only" is exclusive and i never said that. i said "a tiny fraction of the top scientists even believe in god, and even less are christian." so not only did i not claim that none were, i explicitly stated the opposite, that some (a very small minority) elite scientists are probably christian. and if you read what i said earlier you would know i was referring to contemporary scientists. i know old dead guys believe weird stuff. aristotle was awesome, but he still bought the myths of the time. you should read earlier when i responded to a similar list: now, i see that there are guys on your list that were born within the last 100 years, but they are not christian. on your list, nobody on your list born after 1824 is christian. are you aware that science has improved a virtually incomprehensible amount since then? the understanding we have now is light years ahead of what these guys were dealing with. we have cloning and space travel now. 100 years ago this was unthinkable. the fact is the OVERWHELMING (over 90%) majority of today's elite scientists are not believers. presumably less than that are chrtistian. again, learn to use quotes correctly, and when you use them, use my actual words.
well, i never said believing in a generic god (or creator) of no specific description is stupid. never. i have said that over and over and over. the god that einstein talks about is really just incredibly different than the christian god. are you aware that just believing in a creator doesnt make you christian? einstein doesnt believe that god so loved he world that he gave his only son so that we might be forgiven of our sins. how could you question that? when i say einstein is too rational to be christian, do you even think what the word christian means? also he is jewish in ethnicity only. you are really bending my words. it is true that einstein is too rational to be christian. he is exactly as far from being christian as i am.