to marcmc99 I found your analysis of the atheist condition amusing. That's good for a chuckle. Is that your own assessment or are you parroting what someone else has said? I've seen an entire range of theories regarding parentage attempting to explain atheistic personalities, from "no father" to "overbearing father" to "nonloving father" to "overpossessive father".... Let me first remind you that all people are born atheistic. God beliefs are inculcated by culture, and the great majority of people adopt the beliefs of their parents. If religious belief were a rational exercise instead of a cultural one we'd expect to see an even distribution of various levels of belief throughout the entire world. Instead, we have an overwhelming number of Hindus in India, Mormons in Utah, Catholics in South America, etc. All that is really necessary to produce an atheist mindset is a willingness to cast an analytical eye at everything, and a commitment to accept nothing as true unless supported by evidence. There is no compelling evidence, whatsoever, that some higher intelligence created this universe, and that's really all you need to know to understand my atheism. What inferiority complex? What inadequacies? Trust me on this: I've never felt inferior to the average person at any time in my life, either emotionally, intellectually, or morally. What I mostly feel is frustration, because it is difficult for somebody such as myself to understand how anybody could accept religious absurdities as truth. You're also wrong on my "refusal to believe in the possibility of a being greater than myself." There is no such refusal; I fully accept both the fallibility of my reason and the possibility of a creator. What I don't accept is that there has ever been any evidence profferred by anyone that establishes the existence of a creator as a fact, or even as a probability. Whether or not I'm pessimistic has no bearing on the validity of any god-belief. I don't believe things simply because they make me feel better; I believe things on the quality of available evidence. Am I pessimistic? On many things, certainly. However, there are many things in life to enjoy, not least of which are my wife and son and dog, and they more than anything help me to "make it through the trials of life." Furthermore, knowing there are fine people in this world such as them gives me a fuller sense of duty to do my small part in making this world a better place, including objecting to immoral leaders and ruinous government.
No, as stated in my post it is true of the atheists I have known/know. Although it isn't many, it is true of the ones I know, that is what my assessment is based on. You voice your opinions yet refuse to comment when you are challenged. Not everyone on this board reacts to opinions that differ from their's with name calling, which you have previously suggested as your reason for being unwilling to engage in discussion. This, to me, shows a feeling of inferiority. You are willing to voice an opinion but are afraid to defend it when challenged. This is a forum for discussion, which you seem to quick to avoid. Then you differ from any atheists I have known, because they firmly refuse to even admit the possibility that God exists. Once again, this is based solely on the atheists I have personally encountered. No one should believe in God to make themselves feel better, because that is not true faith. That is wishing and hoping. Feeling better should be a product of faith, not vice-versa. Everyone is entitled to his or her own religious beliefs, it is not my desire to attempt to change any of them on a message board. My whole purpose was to see if could solicite some type of response, since you are so unwilling to "discuss". I'm glad you were able to get a good "chuckle" from my analysis, I wish the rest of us could say the same of your posts. Unfortunately most are very dull and pointless, which is why they usually go unread.
i think this may be either a misturderstanding of your atheist pals, or else those were stupid atheists you talked to. your friends may have meant that the god you believe in does not exist, since all the qualities your god supposedly posseses are silly, contradictory and made up by stupid humans. however, that doesnt mean it cant be possible that some sort of something created the universe. of course, we know literally zero about that, so why worship a made up ghost? i think a christian god being the real god is equally likely as you being god. so, while i cannot truly deny that you are god, in a logical proof sense, i can say that i do not believe that you are god. that isnt to say that it is impossible that god exists, of course. to me it seems equally stupid to worship the christian god as to worship you and call you god. i have no reason to believe there is a god, except for the existence of the universe. and i have no real reason to think that the universe was created by a god. it might have been, but i have no reason to believe that. so i dont. maybe the universe was created by a god of some sort. i know that humans that make up attributes for god and worhip him are being stupid. the god as defined by basically every religious person is completely made up and ridiculous, and self contradictory. (curiously, rex lied and tried to portray me as one of these people who acts like it is an indisputable fact that a god doesnt exist. )
no, martin, I have made no comment, whatsoever, at any time about your own personal atheistic beliefs, but only on your characterization of the religious beliefs of others.
like i said, you lied and tried to portray me as one of these people who acts like it is an indisputable fact that a god doesnt exist. see: i never have, nor ever would i say that. in fact i say the opposite, and always have. it is entirely possible that "a god" exists. it just that you are so dishonest, you often misrepresent and lie about the positions of others in order to make their position appear weaker than they are. it is a very dishonest policy. but hey, its your credibility, not mine. enjoy yourself.
You are an idiot Rex...... There is feels good to say that to you on a TIger board again!!!!LOL :champs: