No, I nevers aid FEMA wasn't to blame, as was Vitter, Jindal, Bush and Landrieu. IMO, Landrieu has the most responsibility here for the long run.........her and her family have been in charge of NO, stealing money and running it into the ground for the last 60 years starting with Moon. Now she wants to blame Bush cause it's underwater. I don't think so........
The funny thing is I was looking up a NOPD scandal that happened in the 70's, I had an uncle involved in that. My aunt and her kids were shot at and they left him and hauled ass out of NO, they are no longer together since then. Didn't mean to change the subject but I found out that the Landrieu's have been in charge of NO for 60 years. I challenge anyone on this forum to show me a city where this kind of stuff happens where there is no corruption. Hell, the democrats have been in charge of NO and Louisiana for about 60 years, you would think that if their policies work you'd be living in heaven.
Jindal, Landrieu and Vitter did what they could do. They drafted emergency legislation that got money funneled into the gulf coast. There wasn't really much else they could do, except hold press conferences, and do fly overs. Congressmen don't have emergency powers. As for Brown his case was pathetic. It was petty. It was dumb. Noone with a brain would beleive it.