one thing we have learned is that educated idiots intrigue most people. we just arent sure why. anyone seen Eastern Promises? like/dislike
Aha, there is a generic response if I ever saw one. Maybe tinsley is some beta Japanese computer program that can interract with forum discussion. Wow, what a way to get spam into a forum, if you had a program that could log-in interact with posters and seem real before promoting the website and book that these quotes are taken from. :lol: If you imagine him as HAL in 2001:A Space Odyssey it helps the effect. Say "Dave" after every comment . . . veeeery calmly. "You are mistaken, Dave" "Government is out of control and elections alone aren't going rein it in, Dave" "Be mindful that lawful and legal are not synonyms, Dave"
dude, i solved that riddle long ago with johnbot. this is just a derivative law version. and the first thing i thought of with mr gaynell tinsley here.
another generic soundbite reply that doesnt even answer the question. im shocked. shocked, i tell ya! :rolleye33: