I didnt like the gold jerseys. But bringing back the white helmets once or twice a year aint a bad idea.
i love the white pants, purple uni's, and gold helmets. it is the best uni combintation in the country. the white pants makes the differnce. i want to know where that pic came from, i don't ever remember LSU wearing that combination, but it looks awesome.
fightintiger, i want a pic of this uni combination you posted. i know it shouldn't matter what we wear, but let's face it, fans and players love looking good. i think white pants and white uni's would look sharp in a big road game as well.
good catch mobilebengal. i would throw up if we wore white on white. i would much prefer the grimace purple pants
Why don't we wear black jerseys, like we do in basketball and baseball? I mean, its a school color in those sports, right? Black jerseys with the gold pants and helmets -- that will be fantastic. And maybe the stripe on the helmet can fade out in the back like the Broncos and other new unis. And maybe we can have gold stripes under the arms. And the font on those numbers should be changed. Of course, the helmet logo has to go. And we should probably get a fiercer looking Mike mascot -- he looks too nice. Are purple and gold even "in" any more? Should we update those colors? Maybe we can add teal like every new pro sports team seems to do. There are just so many possibilities.... Isn't there a game in 50 hours?
dlongintexas, you worry too much about what your uni's look like. just figure out a way to stop matt jones this year!!