LMAO I forgot but when he listed it, I searched and voila there's lil miss pornstar and some movie clips. didnt download em....I was in shock, I figured it was his daughter or something.
Do you really think I would post pictures of my daughter on the net for you hounds to slobber over? :dis: :dis: :dis:
Been out of town for a couple of days chasing redfish I sent you and email with a couple of links wednesday. You don't have the private message option turned on or I would have sent you a PM. I didnt think Brett would appreciate those links on this board. Guess you didn't get or read the email. You can still call me Dinardo if you want, I have been called much much worse. :grin: :grin: :thumb: :thumb: :hihi: :hihi:
If you do a google search for Jordan Capri you will find her site but she wants you to pay to see the good stuff.