I hated the black jersey's they really sucked. With nice colors of purple and gold to chose from why in the hell would you want to wear black?
You have teased me long enough Twisted! WHO'S THE HOTTY???? :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Same reason they say RBI's or RBI, its neither, it should be R'sBI. I agree can you see Smoke or Skip exploding if some guy walked around the bases. However technically everyone sort of walks off after the game... Huh ?? No ??? As far as the Porn Star, it appears a little Dental work is in order.
ANOTHER pet peeve about baseball stats - why don't they show batting averages as a percentage with one decimal point instead of percentages of 1.000? :cuss: Instead of a .278 batting average it would be a 27.8% batting average - which is the ACTUAL number that you are looking for... That has ALWAYS p*ssed me off...like you're gonna say "Mauck completes .783 of his passes".... ...generally agreed...she sure is cute, though...and TINY!!!!!! :grin:
Why can't The Advocate show current BA's or pitcher's ERA's in the boxscores (next to their names) like any other credible paper of the 18th century? I mean cmon is that too much to ask? lol @ dental work.
PORN STAR!!! :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: How dare you call such a cutie wearing purple and gold such a thing. She is a talented actress that does adult movies and I mean talented!!!! :hihi: :hihi: :thumb: :thumb: