Get real, this means nothing This guy's salary is totally in the crapper ... the very bottom in the SEC right now ... so a token maybe zero to maybe 50K ... depending on the size of the lump in Skip's adult diaper after this bonehead hires two new A$$instants ... means absolutely nothing. Brady better produce or he's gone. Period. End of the whole story. And, he'd better pick up a couple that can actually coach and develop talent to keep his piddlin' SEC cellar dweller paying job. No mercy for this NIT-wit.
Just shows the BOS should have let Emmert hire the AD he wanted and Skip should have ridden off into the sunset when he retired. The Peter Principle is at work with Skip as AD. Skip will end up ruining his legacy. Brady is the 2nd lowest paid in the SEC because he is the worst coach in college basketball. As to his recruiting ability, other than the thugs he has signed, who has he recruited? Any decent coach would have gotten Bass, Big Baby and Mitchell since they are from Baton Rouge. He cannot recruit in La. outside B.R.
Well let's just fire Skip and hire Alaman. Some of you guys really crack me up. Listen, I've been doing what I do for a living for over 29 years. Why don't you give me some advice too. You seem to be a freakin' expert on everything. :angryfire
OK, this thread will now officially spiral into a SabanFan / Tiger Educated hatefest. Everyone fasten your seatbelts and put your trays in the upright position...
i guess this is what happens to coaches when they finish second in the west in spite of an injury to a dominant big man, and sign a big time recruit.
sabanfan is right. i guess skip didn't bring us the greatest sports year ever at lsu either huh? sorry but as martin pointed out brady didn't do to bad this past year. ya'll expect an nc in basketball or a top 15 team 2 years removed from probation. would ya'll expect that in football?
120-92 overall record, 42-70 in the SEC deserves a raise? It's interesting how Brady supporters always, repeat always, have excuses for this loser, even after 7 years. What is next year's excuse going to be-have ya'll decided yet?
SabanFan and TigerEducated are two of the best posters on this board. I'd entrust them each with a ship in my fleet of merchant raiders.
Wow, just a month up North and you're already losing your mind. Better get back below the Mason Dixon line and quick. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :grin: :grin: