TE, you cannot compare Jaime Lloreda to Tim Pope, and here's why. Lloreda has had one major incident his whole time at LSU, the fight in practice where he broke Wolfert's jaw. He apologized for it, him and Wolfert made up, and nothing more has been heard out of him since. He was told point blank that his behavior had to improve or he would not be wearing the uniform. And since that incident, he has done nothing to make LSU or Coach Brady ashamed of him. Yes, Jaime has a temper. He does not take crap off anybody. But he is not a thug or the complete screw-up Tim Pope is. Pope was given repeated opportunities by Coach Saban to get his act together and become a real man and a real contributor to the team, and he repeatedly blew it. Finally, he blew one second chance too many and Coach Saban told him to take a hike. Sometimes you've gotta realize you've done your absolute best to help a young man but that he has no interest in helping himself. This was one of those times. I'm all for being a strict disciplinarian and expecting our Tigers to be A students in the classroom and model citizens in public, as well as excellent athletes on the court. But I do not favor a policy of immediately disposing of an athlete the minute he gets into a jam of some kind. If a player like Lloreda has the potential to be a great player and person but gets involved in something that represents a problem, you work to try to correct that problem and help the young man through that difficult time, hoping he comes out the other end a little older, a little wiser, and a lot better person. You don't coddle him. You don't cover for him. But you DON'T toss him over a single incident. That's just stupid. If the fight with Wolfert was part of a larger pattern of misbehavior and inability to be a team player, if it was just the latest chapter in a history of violent outbursts, yeah, I'd have put Lloreda on the first plane back to Panama. But it wasn't. It was one thing. It's over, it's done. Everybody has moved on except you. Discipline, yes. Zero tolerance discipline. Not wise, not fair, not kind, and not realistic. Give the guy a chance, he just might show you something that makes you think he's not so bad. As for Brady, I'm sticking to what I said earlier, and I am witholding my final judgement on him till the end of the season. But I like where we are right now as a team.
I'm not sure what purpose it serves calling out the Brady Bashers ... some people simply don't like Brady for a variety of reaons. The announcers even mentioned it ... stated that he is "misunderstood" around the league. Everyone has an opinion. With that said, I thought Brady had one of his better coaching performances today. This team could have folded midway through the 2nd half when they got down by 10 and Lloreda hurting on the bench. You gotta like Lloerda's toughness. I think Minor grew up in this game ... hopefully that carries over the rest of the season. If Mitchell can continue to shoot well from the outside, they will do well.
some of the "Brady Bashers" were the same people that were jumping ALL OVER Smoke last year about the baseball team. According to them, " Smoke is NOT the man to take us to the CWS". Of course I am broken to bits when ANY Tiger sport doesn't do well, but I NEVER come on ANY board and badmouth players or coaches. I love the Tigers.. win or lose, and seeing people bash them pisses me off every time. :geaux:
I have no problem with a coach with the conviction and passion that Brady has. He wants to win and wants his team to be successful. If he comes across a little rough then so be it. It's his style and everyone knows it by now. I can think of another coach who ruffled feathers in his career (and still is) but carried an Indiana progam to great heights. The thing that Brady has that Knight doesn't is class and the deameanor to get the job done without being an embarresment to the University.
I did not and I'll tell you why. For all the unpleasant things that happened during the Dinardo and Hallman eras, they both still know more football than I'll ever know. I am not in a position to criticize coaches because I am not a coach, nor an expert for that matter. I can be unhappy with losses or disappointed in W-L records but I will never criticize the coach because I do not feel I am qualified to do so. And neither are 99% of the people here IMO.
actually, I do not recall Stro ever going to Emmert to complain about BRADY'S ACTIONS...please refresh my memory...i'm sure if he complained, then brady would have been blamed for Stro's early exit but alas he wasn't and, about USC....you're kidding me right??? the game this year?? number one, the game wasn't even on TV and I seriously doubt you listened to it on the radio since your "strenous work schedule" disallows you to participate in any LSU basketball events...anyway, the Technical call was obviously one of the worst calls ever made in the history of SEC sports....albeit a bit biased, both Hawthorne and Ford commented on how that was the worst call they've seen in years in the sport of basketball i don't care how biased you are, when you are that emphatic about a call like that, then obviously it wasn't Brady's fault and from reading articles about the game, i definitely agree it was a horrible call