I think he just means that he'd do away with things like the retarded creationism bill that Jindal pushed so hard. Why anyone in their right minds would be opposed to that is beyond me.
If he truly wanted to help he would run for Mayor of New Orleans since we haven't had a good one in 40+ years...or run against Mary Landrieu who hasn't had much to offer in her 2+ terms. Too bad he didn't run against Edith Bunker Blanco...possibly the worst governor in the history of the nation. Louisiana needs a lot of political assistance. The first step in the right direction would be to have more balance instead of having one party in charge. We've had one party in charge for most of the state's history and that party has run us into the ground. Currently having a Senator from each party has been more productive than ever before. Replacing Jindal and Vitter with Democrats simply places us back where we've always been...and that's NOT very good.