i dont think people realize how hard it is to do a 2 or 3 hour show in baton rouge when you get 3 callers a day. its near impossible. thats a big part of the reason they end up calling their sponsors and leaving them on half the show. the rest are time fillers with the usual callers. if you think you can do better or simply want to hear a different topic, become a regular caller or else turn the station. its pretty simple. but everyone i know hates their local talk shows because theyre like family and predictable and you know exactly what to expect. ho-hum for the most part. like gradin said, its easy to bitch about it but its a lot better than many other local sports shows in other states. they arent the same as national shows. id rather have a blowtorch station with mike and mike and cowherd daily if i had the choice. fm preferably.
I don't think I can do better. I'm saying that Baton Rouge could be better. If you can't host a 3 hour show then why do a 3 hour show? Why do these calls rely so heavily on callers? If they are all being paid to do a radio show why don't Jimmy, Buddy, Jordie and the other guys actually do some work and try to give a good show? I don't think that's a lot to ask for. Is it?
I'm pretty sure purplejoe was the janitor for the Xerox building. He must have been layed off. He's created 19 threads on here and 11 are about radio. BR Radio is just bad (Multi-page thread 1 2) Elliot Porter on Radio BR Sports Radio Who else is glad to have Ott back? LSU sports Network question Songy Leaving? (Multi-page thread 1 2 3) Dale Brown on Buddy Songy.... Boards getting pub on radio Is it me or is the local media in love with randall radio shows repeatative (Multi-page thread 1 2) condon
actually I did some board op work at the old WIBR back in the day...that's about as far as my radio career went
you'll have to pardon me for not knowing all the details of local radio...but is this standard in other markets? Do other markets have guys that pay a fee to be on air? Are there any people in BR that are actually paid to be on the radio?
its bad because all the great callers (in their own mind) never call. all they do is bitch about others and wonder why it sucks. they do do work. they have to bust ass most of the time finding and begging sponsors to pay for their air-time. except for condon. i think he is salaried. and he doesnt like sports. quite ironic. local radio is like a community. success is dependent on the listeners and what they put into it. not as much the other way around. its easy to sit back and bitch. if youre gonna do that just turn it off and buy xm/sirius. i did that for a year or so didnt use it as much as id like. plus i still think radio should be available when and where i want it for free. like most podcasts. i though that was the dude. quite obsessed with an axe to grind. maybe its jon fine which would be appropriate being he was the most horrible show ever. im pretty sure anyone who cared about sports shows this much would have satellite by now.
no. not in the offseason. although i do love me some postgame call-in with gordy and hanni. i listen to podcasts of espn, adam carolla and mark levin when i can.