Re: Apology from Natalie Maines The right wing thinks it's okay to disrespect a president; just not a conservative one. Sort of like adultery - bad, unless it's a conservative doing the adulterating. Their double standard on their god, Bush, v. Clinton is nauseating. It's not a free speech issue. It's a respect issue. The chicks were wrong because they were disrespectful and I don't give a whiff about their music.
The right wings don't care if you disrespect a president. God knows we have spewed forth much vile on that poor excuse for presidential timber that was in the White House prior to W. It's when they disrepect the Institution, the Presidency itself, that we get our dander up.
Exactly Saban Fan, I can Clinton bash with the best of them, but I never disrespected the Office of the Presidency. He was my President, I respected that. I would never go to a foreign country and bash him, becase in MY OPINION that is bashing your country. The President represents you no matter what his political views might be.