Well, I just wnet and watched it over again and I'd say it is 50/50 if could have touchyed the ball, another 27/75 at best that he would have got enough of it to catch. But I still would have liked to see him out for a game winning try, ficusing on the ball instead of the DB. But like SbanFan said I bet it was more an unconscious reaction and he has shown he has the propensity to be fearless over the middle on those high passes he has gone up for, which are far more danegerous, so i have no problem with him myself. It appears to be a one time thing.
In a vaccum, that was probably a bowe-catchable pass had he extended for it. In reality, had he extended for that catch, I'd give him about a 5% chance of hanging on to the ball, and about a 50% of some recovery time afterwards, given the speed and angle of approach of that safety. I've watched the game 3 times now and every time I wince, hoping they don't collide. Save your disappointment for somewhere it belongs, like the Basketball Court.
I absolutely agree. When I watched the play, my main fear was that his outstretched arm could easily be broken, and God forbid, a broken neck. I think it was a low percentage play that he could have caught the ball, not to mention whether he could hang onto the ball with guaranteed high speed side impact. Just not worth it, considering the risk of losing him for the season. ________ LovelyWendie99
actually (as you and the original poster stated) thats the one no-no for a WR. you lay out and make an attempt regardless. all this he coulda broke his neck, died or whatever is not even a thought. kinda lame imo. as sf said he probably wasnt aware he did til it was too late and likely wont again. ill give him a pass on that one but the drops are inexcusable.
TC wasn't referring to the dropped pass, but rather the pass where Bowe retracted his arms to avoid a hit by an Auburn defender.
I know Chuckie Mullins was a safety, moron. Are you too stupid to figure out my point? I'll explain. You don't have to be any particular type player to get hurt on a play like that. The potential to sustain that type of injury is there for either player on a play like that. Clear enough now, idiot?
ok, this is great. so now you're saying that auburn's safety was stupid. that safety could have been killed just like chuckie. they should all just drop football and join the chess club because there is a 1:1000000 chance they get killed.
gumbo your comments are just plain ignorant. Nobody is saying that receivers shouldn't go for balls if they might get hit. The point is, there was zero chance of a catch on the play, and if he goes after it he would have taken a vicious helmet to helmet hit at an akward angle which could have left him paralyzed or worse. So I don't really understand where your "disappointment" in Bowe comes from, except that you're trying to sound like a tough guy.