If Bowe had reached out and tried to catch that football, he would still be in the hospital. The safety was coming like a freight train. I was upset right when he did it, but then I thought about it and I think it might have been the right move.
To set the record straight, Bowe DID NOT say he would not drop anymore passes, he said he would drop anymore TD passes, by this I am assuming he means those thrown to him in or near the endzone because EVERY pass is potentially a TD pass.
No way could Bowe catch that pass, and I'd rather not have the same result (incompletion) with Bowe in ICU.
I hope he's right. Sometimes, particularly in pressure situations, those balls in the endzone can be very elusive. Ask Jackie Smith.
Its pretty hard to focus on the ball when you are being led into a safety that is about to make a ESPN highlight out of you...I dont care WHO you are.....
Ummmmmmm lemmmmeeessseee! Didn't Early Doucet drop one in the end zone, totally uncontested? What, no criticism there? Hmmmm! Oh and Gumboree, I guess you never heard of Daryl Stingley, have you. As far as I know, he's still in a wheelchair and perhaps you've never heard of Chuckie Mullins either. Last I heard he was still in a box in the ground.
After intense review of the play, I don't think that there is ANY way he catches that ball if he lays out for it. It was just overthrown. The announcers were wrong to call him out like that and they should know better. This guy probably catches 10 gazillion passes each day in practice and KNOWS what he can and cannot reach. When that ball got close to him he knew that there was no way he could reach it. As a receiver, when you can't reach it, you make sure that you get out of the way of a big hit and make sure you land gracefully. How many receivers break things when they hit the ground awkwardly? Lots. I would rather have him on the field the rest of the season than to stretch out full for a ball HE knows he can't catch just to make the announcers and some fans feel better. It is one thing for an outfielder in baseball to jump up at the wall just for show when the homerun is hit 500 feet. And it is another thing for a receiver to put himself in danger just for show.