bunch of pansies. a gamer makes an attempt. everyone there knew it. most players arent willing to do that though-and i cant blame them, but im not on a free ride either. i'll bet you every secondary lsu plays from now on will really try to hit bowe hard (even late) every chance they get. they'll eat this up and try to make him worthless. did bowe address this gun-shy play? i just read he said he wouldnt drop another td catch.
He was not calling Bowe out. He was merely stating his own opinion and seeking feedback. He even acknowledged he may be overreacting. Learn to be more respectful.
Do you have the game tape? Go watch the play again... The ball was thrown about 5 yards out of his reach and the safety's helmet was flying in there low like a missle at a side angle... It would have been one of the nastiest head to head collisions any of us have ever seen. If you've ever played the game you'll know what I'm talking about.
i could be tony moss for all you know. what do i have to be jerry rice to know that it can hurt when wrs get hit. you need to go watch the game again. no way it was 5 yds (thats 15 ft btw). looks more like 5 ft, which would have been 2 ft if he hadnt pull his arms back. someone should tell jimbo to keep bowe running only out routes.
Not saying you didn't play the game. Just saying that if you did, you'd know that you don't put your head down into an oncoming helmet that is coming at the same plane at full speed. That's how necks get broken my friend. Upon further slow mo review, Bowe's feet were at the 4-and-a-half yard line when the ball flew past him landing on the 1/2 yard line. I'd put the distance at 4 yards or 12 feet. Only out-routes for Bowe? So we lose the TD on the fade vs. UF, and the flat post TD vs. Aub?
right, so he shouldnt try to catch any ball where his helmet is in the same plane as an oncoming DB? --or a wr shouldnt try to catch the ball if the ball might be 1 yard out of his reach. im sure thats what he's coached. i dont think he knew exactly what plane the safety's helmet was in. bowe was looking for the ball. he probably saw a blue jersey coming from the middle of the field and got scared. maybe addai should start running out of bounds so he doesnt have to risk another H2H. dont think that'll happen because he's a gamer. oh, and the bit about only out-routes for bowe was sarcasm. for posters that thinks that its ok to not try to catch a ball if you think you're gonna take a hit. actually, dont know of any examples of a wr breaking a neck from taking a hit on a catch. but i guess id only know about the college or pro players in the last 30 yrs or so. maybe cooper manning, but i dont know what type of play his injury occurred from.