Bored with Saban Getting Bad Rap

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TC, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    You are the one complaining not I.
    I stated facts.
    Maybe you should learn how to read?
    You must be a fan of a team that is a Dolphin rival because you
    sure is hell aint a Dolphin fan.
    You are a red neck because you couldn't have read what I said correctly.:dis:
  2. sugarman

    sugarman Founding Member

    I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the mature discussion in this thread.

    Did not.

    Did too.

    Did not.

    Did too.

    Oh shut up.

    Make me.

    I'm telling!
  3. GetBackToWork

    GetBackToWork Founding Member

    You are the one missing it. Everyone here has prefaced their comments with respect for what Saban accomplished while at LSU. We hate the following:

    1. His crap comments concerning LSU recently.
    2. The deliberate timing of these recent events.
    3. Saban's lying, self-centered, fukc-everybody-but-me nature.

    Saban is trending down with his behavior.
  4. hpmcdaniel

    hpmcdaniel Founding Member

    I agree.. I am thankful and appreciative of what Saban did for LSU that has allowed Coach Miles to build on.

    However, that does not mean that I have to like or respect Saban.
  5. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    The thing that upsets me the most is not that he went to 'Bama, it's the fact that he's obviously someone who's word can't be trusted.

    He told us he wasn't leaving for years only to leave in the middle of the night. Now, instead of this being an exception to Saban's character, it appears it is the norm.

    He firmly stated he wasn't interested in 'Bama to the media covering the Dolphins only to again, leave at the drop of a hat.

    I'm upset because these past two years I felt he was sincere in his words about thanking us, and all the positive things he supposidly had said about LSU... Now, his actions show me that it's a very strong chance that those good things were nothing more than "Saban being Saban"--where words are hollow and mean nothing.
  6. bamaJMan

    bamaJMan Freshman

    Bama fan here, not here to talk smack just picking up on the latest comments. I agree that NS did alot for LSU football. If my memory serves me correctly, LSU had a losing record 8 out of the 11 seasons prior to the arrival of NS. He brought LSU football back to national prominence, just as we hope he will do for Bama. Even though you guys might feel slighted don't forget about your NC in 2003 after a 50 or so year drought.

    My wife is an LSU alum so I pull for LSU when not playing them. I do look for the rivalry to heat up in the future. Looks like we'll not only have UT and the Barners gunning for us now, but add LSU to that list. We look forward to it.
  7. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    Not exactly. Gerry DiNardo had a couple of winning season with some Peach Bowl and Independence Bowl appearances sandwiched in the middle of Curley Hallman's inept LSU teams of the early '90's and DiNardo's last two seasons in Baton Rouge.
  8. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Hang around, the more softball dads the merrier for me. :thumb:

    Softball dads do have bigger balls ya know. :grin:

    We'll be o.k. here, just a lot of venting that will go away but the realization of someone we trusted in our program, with our kids, etc. turning out to be a manipulative, self-serving, no count, low life, dishonest, gold-digging, thunder stealing, double-tongued, ........throw in BAMA COACH and we got us a game I have to be there for. :hihi:
  9. bamaJMan

    bamaJMan Freshman

    I haven't chekcked the record books so you're probably right. It's what I have heard reported a couple of times.
  10. bamaJMan

    bamaJMan Freshman

    I like that quote about softball dads having bigger balls. That is true, by the way!

    I think that we all look forward to the future LSU games.

    I know that y'all feel bad and I guess that I don't blame you. We were pissed (and still are) when Franchione left after several denials so I feel your pain. However, the Bama fans attitude was that if he doesn't want to be here then good riddance.

    The whole point is that he did alot for LSU football. No longer are the days where one program can dominate with the parity in the SEC and nation. We are just glad that we finally have a coach who will give us a chance on the field instead of looking like a deer in headlights.

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