So tell me, what changed in the 2 weeks between the "not gonna be the next Bama coach" comment and today to change his mind? I know the size of the offer from Bama sure did. Did Saban all of a sudden come down with a case of this huge college fb homesickness in that short a period of time? Even if I give Saban and all his ardent apologists the benefit of the doubt, the fact is that his actions and comments make him look bad and deliver a serious blow to his credibility, whether it's fair or not, which will filter down to convincing potential recruits and star players to go/stay at Bama.
It's moot.........there's no way I'd believe it's a coincidence that his name was mentioned...blah blah. Plus Terry said it was going to happen way back when and it did just like he said. Too much smoke not to be fire.....or maybe.....too much smoke not to be a liar. :rofl:
I've never lied about a job situation to my employers or my staff (when I have had people working for me). I have always been upfront about my future goals, let employers know that after such and such a goal or task accomplished or completed that I might look for another position either within or without the company, and a few time turning down job offers because I'd made a commitment to finish a project. When I moved from Louisiana, I was upfront with the intern I hired that I would most probably not be in the position throughout her internship, and that my leaving could affect her position...likewise, my boss knew that I was considering leaving the state for better opportunities. When I worked for a company that was undergoing major changes (when there were clear indications that my division would be shut down), I was upfront with my managers that I was pursuing other employement given the company situation. In my current position, my boss knows that I will be leaving after a current, annual project is finished, and we're negotiating my doing that project on a contract basis next year...I can say that I would not be able to contract out with this organization if I lied to them about my future intentions. Nick Saban appears to have flat out lied numerous times. He did not have to say, "I am not going to be the next coach at Alabama." He could have said, "Look, guys, I'm not going to talk about any job prospects or offers with you. If I were entertaining leaving for another position -- and I'm not saying that I am -- but if I were, that's between myself and my boss first and my team. It's not something that I'm going to discuss at a public press conference." But he didn't do that. He outright denied interest in the position. And a lot of people (not just LSU fans) are a bit appalled at how he lectured the media and got on his high horse at them DARING to question his comments about NOT being Alabama's coach while he was apparently in communication with the university. He may have been upfront with everyone in the Dolphins organization while he was lying to the press, but if that's the case, then why on earth did the guy not just admit that he was considering the Alabama offer? If he really changed his mind (which I doubt, as there have been leaks that he's been nosing around for a new college position for a long time), then he should issue an apology regarding his lecture to the media. And to the Dolphin fans who had to put up with his drama queen antics...I have to say that I don't miss the yearly "will he stay or go" crap NS put us through while he was here.
You can't deny he rebuilt the LSU program and for that I respect NS as a football coach. BUT as an LSU fan the timing of his decision to announce he would take the Alabama job is a direct slap in the face of LSU. For that reason I will never feel I owe him any respect nor does he deserve any.
If you're really bored with the bashing the Alabama coach is receiving, check out Let me know how long it takes before you get tired of reading about them already securing brokered '08 BCSNC game tickets. Took me about 12.5 seconds!LSU!
You guys who keep degrading Nick Saban should show some class and stop showing your red neck IGNORANCE. I live in Destin Florida and the intelligent people who call in 98.1 FM all seem to look at the whole picture, making LSU probably the #1 program in the country and every top prospect wanting to come there. SHOW SOME APPRECIATION AND STOP SHOWING YOUR ASS.
Some of you peope including the dude above me are total ignorant. Nick Saban DID build and restore LSU football as a power house. Having said that IT was a JOB and he was PAID MONEY for a job like any of us have had or one day will have. We don't owe NS anything, He DID a JOB and GOT PAID, LSU is every bit responsible for NS as NS is for LSU meaning if he was at MSU or anywhere else he went he wouldn't be as demanding by Alabama or any other college in the country. Some of you people need to grow up and stop kissing the mans butt. He aint Saint Nick we found out this week because he can't tell the truth. He lied to everyone and left the Dolphins with a disaster. Go tell the Dolphin fans how well a coach and person he is. Some LSU people were pissed about how things went when he left. Dolphins have it a lot worse than we did!