Thanks for coming by we really like to have fans from other teams, schools around. As far as what Patrino has done, I believe he has fueled a real rivalry. This is the way rivalries begin providing Arkansas can keep up the next few years.
Wow. So a little potty mouthing and anti-sincere handshake (the norm for the losing teams coach) becomes perfect for the Rkansas program now? All that sounds like is empty unwarranted bashing. I'm sorry but I'm not buying it. Who's to say that what was said wasn't something in reference between BP and LM that you or I wasn't in on?
Your first point is fair, but your second one probably not. Petrino is a douche. Today's game just confirmed it - again. As a Saints and Tigers fan, I freaking love it! :hihi:
Tigerfan, I actually joined the night before the game and tried to post but I guess I hit a wrong button or something cause my long post got erased and it was late so I just ended up saying F it
I never said he could win Mother Theresas saintly coach award. I can think of several SEC coaches I think are douches. Don't worry, dude. It's just your homerism bleeding thru.
Absolutely I am a homer for my teams. I've been through a lot of suffering with all of my teams. None of that changes the fact that Petrino is a totally douche. He was a douche at UL, with the Foulcants and now with you guys. It is what it is.
What really happened: BP lost the side bet to CLM. Would you please post the photos of your coach wearing his 4 foot long tiger tail out of the back of his pants next week? I wanna see 'em!