Lets see if we cant work out a trade...... The Geaux Show needs access to the WiFi on campus, to gain access we need a students Paws Id. This is the first season without a student in our krewe so we are stuck. Team KATT will sponser you as a memeber if you are willing to help us out with getting access to WiFi. Deal or No Deal?
I will give you the twenty bucks and tip you five if you can make the FSA go away! :hihi: Cmon Grad, you know you wanna.
don't know if you being legit or not, but if you don't get some help, pm me before the season and I could give you my password.
Does LSU still have Free Speech Alley? Try that out for size, pretty interesting folks there and discussion. I still remember my freshman year (83-84) when a "protest" was staged due to one of the local stations (can't remember which one) stopped carrying Late Night with David Letterman. Stumbled upon it returning from checking my mailbox in the Union. Such good memories of the Ole War Skule.... [MEDIA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIIA-iDaQHw[/MEDIA]
Free speech alley and protests around the Union in the late 70's was directed toward removing the Shah of Iran. Each generation has it's own antigovernment sentiment. And I have been back to the Union in the last few years to see if my mailbox still existed. It did. :shock: Different combination, though.
To team KATT, that's a deal, I will go ahead and give you my password and user name now, so that you can make sure it works before you pay for it. I wouldn't want it not to work, just PM ME and I will tell you the information.
can't you pay with PayPal, so giving out your personal info is not an issue? you could when i signed up last year.
He's lieing!!! I gave him my paws name and password last week for the Geaux Show and i never saw a penny of my schollie. ITS A SCAM, ITS A SCAM.