I read that Photo bucket is now charging annual rates for 3rd party hosting. I haven't done it yet but I think many went to imugur.
Yea. I'm sure that'll be a death nail for them. Luckily all my pics are on a jump drive and a computer too but I did want to go threw and make sure no important kid pics got missed but I can't even open a pic and save it back to my phone just says go to whatever sight to sign up for 3rd party hosting.
Man, I was sure that when I opened this I'd find @jvalhenson complaining about La crab since he prefers carp and other shit fish to the likes of red snapper and sac-a-lait
Red snapper ain't nothin special but you have never heard me talk down about any white perch. In fact I'm headed to the camp for about 10 days tomorrow to do nothing but drag crankbaits for some sac-a-lait
Well I have heard you talk good about shit fish and that sort of takes your opinion out of the running, lol. Who da fuck eats a damn carp?