seems obvious to me that someone saw bin laden and got an itchy trigger finger. Whether the guy freaked or was ordered to do it is the only question. And Navy Seals don't freak. OBL didn't have time to get to a gun and was executed. That makes me happy
Is it possible the photos reveal an execution style killing, and that the phots aren't being released to protect those involved in the raid?
It was an execution. There is one reason, and one reason only for the reticence to publish photos: Muslim reaction. Particularly, the potential blowback from radical islamists. It's crazy. Those people want to kill all of us anyway, and have forever. Release the damn photos and phuck the ragheads.
Yep. They won't come door to door though, they'd rather attack a bunch of innocent women and children. Hey al qaeda, come to my house to receive your free ration of buckshot.
There are a whole bunch of holier than thou Europeans that would demand war crimes charges be brought against the SEALS if the photos show evidence of an execution style killing. I think that is the reason these photos are being burried. That on top of the fact that we are a civilized nation. We should act like a bunch of apes like Bolivia did with the Che corpse photos.