How can the White House F up so many facts: The killing of Osama bin Laden: how the White House changed its story | World news | The Guardian
This sucks: President Obama has decided not to release photographs of Osama bin Laden's body, a senior official tells NBC News I bet you any amount of money that they "leak". Not only will the picture(s) "leak", but they will "leak" at an opportune time.
article: " Osama bin Laden was armed and died in a firefight after resisting A senior Pentagon official told reporters on Monday in a background briefing that the American team engaged in a firefight and Bin Laden did resist, giving the strong impression he was armed and may have been shooting." i didnt get the impression that he was armed and shooting. white house never said he was. the article even says that: "White House security adviser. "And whether or not he got off any rounds, I quite frankly don't know" he specifically does not say that bin laden was armed or shooting. nothing about that is wrong. he says he didnt know, which is 100% true.
really that entire british article is nonsense, except for human shield part, which appears to be marginally true.