A few of you mentioned that you wonder what this will do for Obama's approval ratings. I found this on Gallup.com . It will tell you what to watch for: Monday, May 2, 2011 Obama Approval Watch Post-Bin Laden's Death
Twitter user unknowingly reported bin Laden attack Twitter user unknowingly reported bin Laden attack - CNN.com
American flag burned and LSU flag stolen on campus this morning: Flag burned at LSU | News | 2theadvocate.com — Baton Rouge, LA
about 2 mins after hearing the news I had mixed emotions. I was glad this pos was terminated but knew the economic idiot may have bought himself 4 more years. the irony being the latter idiot may take us down when the fear was the first guy was the worry.
I would venture a guess that if, come election time, we're looking at $5.50 a gallon gas and 8% or higher unemployment, "Hey, I got Bin Laden" won't be enough for re-election. The economy will always drive elections.
Agreed, this is not Berkley at LSU that will not go over to well. This could get ugly down there. I remember when i was in school the first Iraq war started and there were protests by the left and it ended poorly for them. Not that I condone that. just saying
I considered that possibility but the key phrase is "pages ago". I don't have as much time on my hands as some people.
Its all going to come down again to two states Florida and Ohio. Plan and simple. He wins one or both its 4 more years.