Yep, I think Jen is going to be gone in a couple weeks. Them catching her in a lie was pretty funny. I think Danielle is this years' Janelle(dingy looking blonde but a serious gamer).
I missed the first 30 minutes, we had softball practice. Will and Boogie were the kings........."Drrriiing drrrriiing" remember how hilarious that was when they'd sit side by side in the Diary room and talk to each other like they were on the phone while spilling how they'd "Played" someone? The guy who lets America decide on a prank to be played may be the next closest Will of this game but would be hard to equal.
the wife got my hooked on this show about 2 years back...I know Tirk watches too, he just isn't "out" yet. Last night, did anyone notice when it got down to the last 4 for HOH, Julie asked a question and there were 2 right answers, 2 wrong answers? Julie just kept on chugging saying something like 'split down the middle - let's go to tiebreaker'. I remember something like that happening in a past year, the producers realized there was a mistake and that HOH only lasted for about 2 days before they had another competition. Anyway...I like Evil Dick (did I actually just type that?). Rephrase - As a person, I like Evil Dick. Hmmm...I'm not getting any better - Evil Dick would be....ahhh ##@$#%#%
I hadn't realized it at the time but your're right. Should have been a tiebreaker tween 2 and not 4. And I was excited about the emotional instability of the new HOH- figured it would take it's toll on her an manifest itself in some good chit..........tirk's watching, he preys on them kind. :hihi:
havent watched yet this year but i have it tivo'd so Ill be catching up. i tend to only watch later once the season is wrapping up but Ill check it out before the hotties are all voted out by the faggots.
It was a bit confusing at first. There were no predetermined correct answers. The correct answers were determined by a majority answer for each question at the time they were asked by Julie. So, those who answered the question in the minority were eliminated from the competition. It was a tie b/c 2 people answered A and 2 answered B. Julie got it right.
I think this show is a lot like the Truman Show, and about as entertaining of a version of that movie with Jim Carey edited out.