:lol: Sic bastard. Porshe is hot too. Probably hotter than Jordan but Jordan's such a sweetie. Such a dingbat too though. Is that brutha crazy for wanting to be put up/evicted? Rachel still may go. The sister, Kalia or whatever, is toast.
My wife says Jordan got a boob job since winning last time. I swear I cannot tell real ones from fake. I think she said hers was a lift or reduction though. Course that's just her observation. Would Rachael drive you nuts? Girl is truly nuts. Cracks me up when she would tell Brendan, "America is not going to hate me even more." :lol:
I don't watch O brother (that is what I say whenever the Mrs turns it on) but I will tell you this. No way in hell I could live with that chic without killing her. The other night I was trying to sleep and all I could hear was that whiny bitch on the TV. I had to relocate to the couch and the latest episode of "The Golf Fix". She does have some really big fun bags though. Perhaps I could skip murder and just snip her vocal cords.
i know, i cant tell for sure when asked either. I dont know about jordan, hell they look the same to me. Shes so sweet which makes her hotter. but regarding your wife, shes probably right. women somehow know. This girl and I took one of those online quizzes with real/fake ones and she got like all but one or two correct. i was about 4 out of 10. brendan should pull the plug now. hes had fair warning. but hes just as pathetic if not worse. that bitch will cut his heart out at the drop of a hat. its going to end badly and within a year. its like a semi real sopranos family. no one has a real job and they are all loaded. why would we we care what you losers think. did you accidentally click on this link. ill watch any reality show. yes its kinda sad.
the wife is thoroughly addicted. she watches/records latenight and the live feed. I do not like it, or most reality tv. her obsession with big brother reminds be of the great book Fahrenheit 451.
Uh, participate? I started it. And no, not embarrassed one bit. You're probably like the girl that says, "Eww gross" amd covers her face when a porn is turned on but watches with her fingers spread so she can peek. I always get very irritated with the homo's and pull for them to get the boot early as possible. No phobia I just don't care for their antics. Even before he made such a stupid move I felt he was the dumbest mo fo to ever play Big Bro. He's really dumb. I bet her panties got wet instantly when Brendan got in. Danielle is the one that would be down for anything imo. I'd like to blow her panties to Holly Beach too.
I have my vices, this just isn't one and is not one I can understand. And I'm the guy trying to get the girl to watch the porno.:thumb: