If anyone in that house has brains, they would know to bring Adam or Sheila with them to the final two. Everyone knows they are both there because of their ability to do nothing.
I can see why you would say that about Sheila but Adam has won 2 HOHs and seems to be pretty smart. Now that James is out I am on the She/Adam bandwagon!
It was rigged man. Julie started to say an answer and then stumbled, paused and the said the answer. NOT only that you can hear someone TYPING in the background which I can only assume was the subtitle, which if that was the original answer then they would have had that cued up instead of typing it in last second.
I know I'm in the minority but I was sorry to see Nat go. She's nuts and added a lot to the show. The fact that she cried so hard even after sitting with Julie shows she REALLY is nuts but I thought she was cute and funny. I have a feeling Sheila has that porcupine disease- if she had as many sticking out as she had stuck in that's what she'd look like. I hope Adam wins it- the most sincere person on, imo, and one of the smartest. His logic last week with the nominations was remarkable- made everyone try for the POV. He is a strange one- sometimes a puss, but very sincere and upfront. At times he gives me the impression he'd open fire in a school cafeteria.
Ryan made the dumbest move in this season last night by not using the veto........now he has to win HOH or he is gone.
Did anyone notice the edit mess up with Julie last night as she was talking about the HOH comps? She was saying that the HOH comps will be taking place over the next FEW days and they tried to bleep it out but they missed it. Its like CBS doesnt even care if they are putting out a good product. By the way last nights show was recorded Sunday Night. The 1st part of HOH was done on Monday the 2nd was doen yesterday during the day. The 3rd will be live tonight
I disagree. If Sharon makes it to the final 2 -she wins - she has the votes. I do agree w/you that Ryan has to win HoH to make the final 2.