Ok Cles got voted out last week and went off Jerry Springer style 3 times!!! (It was Awsome) Nat won HOH which I think was fixed by BB because the DUMBEST player in BB history only got 1 question wrong. She put up James and Josh on the block. James won POV and took himself off! At the veto meeting he made this speech about people throwing competitions. So Nat put up Sharon. There is a so called plan to keep Josh by Ryan, Adam and Nat but I think they are just playing that angle to **** with James. The girls are talking that after Josh goes home that they turn it into girls vs guys but I dont think Nat is completely on board. And All week long they have all been ****ing with Shelia playing practical jokes on her and pissing her off! OH and I read on the site a section of Ryan and Adam talking in the bedroom. Ryan is talking about how Canada sucks and that they stopped him for something to do with drugs. Then Ryan ask Adam, "What happened in France" Adam "I'll tell you when we get out of here" Ryan "Where did they catch you" Adam "On the train" Ryan "How long did you get" Adam "Three months in prison" The website said is has something to do with getting busted with Hash in France!
If you would have read the previous post you would have assumed to know what was coming next simply by the context of the other post and therefore should have known not the read any further!
No need to be a smarty about it, just try not to do that in the thread. Rather find out on tv than here.