But that’s the problem HR, politicians making empty promises just to get elected, knowing damn well they don’t stand a chance at passing it, and even if they did, other than one big orange dude, none of them have the balls to do it. Id rather a candidate tell me about what he can do, not just what he dreams of.
So its just something he's saying that he doesn't really mean, just to get elected? You good with being lied to for your vote?
No. Unfortunately, the ones telling the truth are few and far between. (Actually I think none tell the truth, but trying to be a tad positive)
So...he's lying? or just promising stuff he can't deliver. Where I come from that is the same thing. (Edit- Sorry MCTiger didn't see your post)
Surprised this is such a surprising concept. It’s how Washington works (or not). I’m sure Biden wants this to happen. At the same time he is bound to be aware of the real estate lobby’s immeasurably deep pockets. You never know. Maybe he feels if he starts ‘here" he may end up with something. Just how it works.
if Biden is elected dc goes back to business as usual. all will be bliss while your 401k, pension, portfolio goes to hell, and taxes go up.... It’s all good.....
So I saw last week that San Fran is putting druggies and the other homeless riff raff up in all of the high dollar 5* hotels and making tax payers foot the bill. I have absolutely zero sympathy for the idiots on the left coast. You reap what you sow dummies!