Are you, the duck and Winston in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's? You both have conveniently forgot or not capable of remembering Al Gore not conceding his defeat against Bush and the clown show the democrats put the country through with hanging and pregnant chads. If any party is prone to not accept defeat it's your vile cheating, disgusting, marxist totalitarian suckass DEMOCRATS. Hillary is still claiming Trump stole the election from her not accepting she lost. I am older than all three of you yet next to me you act like you are all senile.
You know, you should really do a podcast. All you need is a cheap microphone and a free software like Audacity to broadcast your daily thoughts.
I wouldn't last 2 days before Antifa and BLM showed up at my house. However it would be a one time event.
Gator bait I was thinking. Better yet tell them there free stuff at Red's Levee Bar in Catahoula they would be better off taking their chances with the gators.
I understand that some people would not admit to a pollster they supported Trump, when they did, but this is not 2016, unless it is the mirror image. Regardless here are four big problems for Trump whether or not the polls reflect them or not (though I believe they do, but we can disagree, no problem). 1. Pandemic response..."I am not responsible." 2. Economy, in the tank (he could not have prevented a big hit, but he could have mitigated it with some leadership on pandemic response) 3. His constant flirtation with racism 4. Putin’s lapdog (very public) Each of these chip away at support of the non-fanatics, and though much of his fanatical 30 - 35% will stick with him to the end, he is losing a lot of support that he cannot afford. Anecdote: My brother in law is retired Special Forces Chief Warrant 4. He was in first cohort to become Cw4 in special forces. In his mind he is the baddest ass of the baddest asses. He lives in Northern Georgia, a hotbed of near NAZI white supremists. Not saying he is one, but . . . Anyway he has his MAGA hat, and his Trump Do-rag, and his Harley, and on and on. But, this bit about not going after the Russians for paying the Taliban bounties has him tied up in all kinds of knots. No chance he will vote for Biden or any democrat, ever, but he has gone from Trump fanatic to feeling betrayed. It doesn’t take many of those and Trump is even more trouble.
I hope you realize 1-4 is fabricated nonsense. Lets review: 1: Trump works to ban travel from China gets called racist. Maybe this is what you mean by #3???? Months later the "media" explodes saying COVID is a disaster...... 2: Economy, to this day, is higher than it was when he took office. The Dow is STILL UP over 8,000 points....... 3: Give one example please? 4: Again, Trump has literally killed Russians via military engagements. Name the last president to do that???? Further, Biden just got named an official criminal suspect in Ukraine fuckery.
David Duke supports him, that's all they have. Some rogue non player that Trump has denounced from day 1 is ALL they have.