I can't believe that Jason's is still in business. Their sandwichs ae so generic they taste like cardboard It was near the hood. A great location to sell fried chicken
But a bad location to get good help. Frequent employee turnover, customer complaints, and internal shrinkage have sunk many a good business in the wrong location.
Am I the only person irritated with this response (because no one else has mentioned it.) Everything (save Bistro Byronz) ranges from decent to terrible? Seriously?
I wouldn't say decent to terrible, but considering the fact that the area is known for good food, there is a lack of "excellent" or "great" eateries in BR. I'd say most stuff is above average to average, which is below par compared to New Orleans.
I was offended when he said Schlitz had the best pizza.. :huh: I'd say they might possibly have the worst pizza in BR.
Wow, I would have said the exact opposite. I like the atmosphere, but the pizza is like cardboard with grease on top. ...to each his own I guess.
Not a fan of New York style pizza? I love the stuff. And Shlitz is the only place that does it in BR.