you need to go to the ole miss forum and bring up the game where bert ran the 4-5 plays in 10 seconds (great clock management)....they'll love the way i love you (and no wierdo insinuation crap!!).....
With 4 seconds left Jones threw an incomplete pass. Ole Pisser bitched that there was still one second left on the clock. With one second left Jones threw the winning TD pass to Brad Davis. After that there was a sign at the Louisiana - Mississippi border that said "Entering Mississippi - Set your clocks back 1 second." lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire: lefire:
Ensminger and David Woodley split time at quarterback in the '77 Rice game. Both threw for big yardage and touchdown bombs to Carson. Carlos Carson set the record for the most consecutive touchdown passes in NCAA history with five (which were also his first five college receptions). He added to the record when he caught his first pass in the following game and also scored a touchdown. Setting an NCAA record with six touchdowns from your first six college receptions is an achievement likely never to be broken. The '77 Rice Owls were the worst football team I've ever seen in Tiger Stadium. Carson had over 200 yards and five TDs and they still had a single man on him. Charlie Mac finally took him out and put in a reserve . . . and then Rice started double coverage! Way behind the curve.
The greatest finish to any game I've ever witnessed in person. The electricity and anticipation in the stadium when we called time out with 1 second left was INCREDIBLE. You could almost feel it in the air... Bert's pass was a little high but Dr. Davis made a GREAT juggling catch in the SE end zone (right below us)... and the place went CRAZY... Rusty Jackson's point-after to win the game was practically anti-climactic.....
Hodson Vs. Kentucky in Lexington...... Hodson had been knocked loopy ny a BRUTAL hit from a Kentucky player and had biten through his tongue. Hodson came off the field and was basicly unconscious and bleeding from the mouth. Hodson returned shortly therefeter and absolutely went on a tear with Roggie MaGee & particularly Wendell Davis. After the game, Hodson said that he barely even remembered the game after the hit and that he was opperating on insticts. Instincts or not, Hodson was spectacular after he had gotten absolutely mauled.
I'll go with the Rohan game vs. Tenn also. He had that long gallop on the first series of the game to show the team he was ready. That game was the week after the loss to UAB. If we would've lost a heartbreaker to Tenn, it may have been really tough to overcome. It seemed like that game was the first one in a few years where the breaks went our way. Most of that was due to Ro and his leadership. When Tenn came all the way back to tie it, Ro didn't panic. The 3rd down pass and 20+ completion from deep in our own territory with under two minutes was crucial. It prevented them from getting the ball around midfield with a chance to win it in regulation. When Ro hit Robert Royal on the 1st play of overtime, Tiger Stadium erupted. When we stopped them on 4th down a few minutes later, it was party time. Tilt your head back, let's finish the cup.
I'm not sure which game was the best overall, Rohan's pass to Royal in OT vs Tennessee was the best looking pass I have ever seen. Ro just stands like he's in his own back yard and lofts a perfect strike where Royal catches it in stride and no UT defender could do anything about it. It was perfect. Have to admire Hodson for the hammering he took in the earthquake game as well. That AU defense was for real. He took the same kind of beating we administered to White, but was still standing. When he threw the TD, he's the only guy in the stadium not jumping up and down. He just turned and pulled off his chinstrap as if to say, "Thank God that's over".