Maybe a generational thing, but RB Dalton Hilliard was one of the best to play at LSU. On the other hand Josh Reed is the best college WR I've ever seen. Cecil Collins was the best..maybe ever. What other RB can play in 3 games + 3 carries, break his leg, get kicked out of college and was considered a 1st round NFL talent?
Cecil Collins had one good year at running back and never was all-SEC, much less an all-American. He ain't even in the class of fine running backs like Alexander, Faulk and Hilliard, much less Billy Cannon or Jimmy Taylor. The only LSU football players really in the tier with Casanova and Cannon are Jimmy Taylor, Gaynell Tinsley, Ken Kavanaugh, Y.A. Tittle, and Josh Reed.
Casanova, Cannon, Maravich, O'Neil....pick one and you wont be wrong... maybe even add Clayton to the list.
Ya'll forget about LaFleur who was a 2 time 1st team AA. Also Faneca too. I would have to agree that Tommy was the best though. AS far as talent goes its no question though that its the Desiel.
I definitely agree with Red about Collins. The guy was very, very talented, but to put him in a league with Bo Jackson, Barry Sanders, and E. Smith is a huge HUGE stretch...Those are three of the greatest to ever play the game and no matter how great of a strech Cecil had, you can't put him in their league..
and if memory serves me correctly he only started 4 games in his career. while he was dominant in his short stint and I often thought how great he would be, he was never able to prove it. that being said, I'd have to agree with tommy casanova since white All-American DB's are a dying breed. surely i didn't read lafleur now did I? maybe the most overrated ever.
That's exactly what I was thinking about LaFleur. He doesn't belong on the list. I never even thought he was as good as Nicky Savoie while he was at LSU.
that's because he wasn't. he was one of those all-americans on paper. surely he was always injured cuz he often played with no heart. all hype which still lingers.