this would be correct They had a place in Lafayette off Pinhook near I-49 that had excellent Greek food and gyros. I miss that place. The meat pies and baklava were off the chain.
I say ghee-rowes, but actual Greeks pronounce it something like Gi'er-rowes or Yeer-owes. Jai-rowes makes you out as a rube.
The people at Albasha say Yeero so that's how I say it. First time I ever had Greek food, I thought everyone was planning on paying with European currency or something. I didn't know what the heck was going on.
i dunno about the rube stuff. french dont expect me to say france in a way that rhymes with ponce like ponce de leon. same with the a-rabz, middle eastern folks dont seem to care, they are happy to sell you some nice food so they can finance their terrorist operations. they know we like to anglicize words and are cool with that. i will still say something in between gheeroze and yeeroze out of habit but i dont think you can go wrong with jai rows like jai eugene the lsu safety guy.
I went to this big Greek fair and I got them to teach me how to say gyro the way they do, and I got it down and that's how I say it now. But it's hard to describe it without me doing it for you in person. My stab at it would be to say it sounds like the "ero" in "hero"/"gero"/"yero" where you use the French "r" for the "er" in "ero" -- the French "r" that is pronounced by vibrating your throat, somewhat similar to what you do when you 'gargle.'
Atcha? On Nicholson about 2 blocks from Kirby-Smith? I respectfully disagree...their gyro was not as good as Corey's. I've had them both and Atcha doesn't come close. For those who say Atcha is better, have you had Corey's to compare?
It's pronounced...YEE-ROS This discussion is the proper way to pronounce the name of this tasty Greek sandwich. Our staff took on this assignment about the proper pronunciation of the word "gyros," and after much long, arduous research, we still disagreed on the matter. We can at least find solace in the fact that it is difficult to quickly dig up two people who agree about this. Finally, we found some type of resolution to this dilemma. 1. If you insist on using the "correct" Greek pronunciation, go ahead and say "yee-ros." 2. But if you want to make sure that you are understood and avoid possibly being thought pretentious, just say "jai-ros." GYROS FAQ See also: inogolo - Pronunciation of Gyro : How to pronounce Gyro