With the no marriage/kids rule : Worst day: I was 17 and went to the OPP for fighting on Bourbon. Graduation night. I haven't been in trouble since. Best day: This is tough, but I REALLY blew it out in NOLA during the 2007 National Championship Game when we skull fucked tOSU. That entire weekend was an awesome one. It seems like the best and worst days of my life always seem to happen in NOLA.
Nah, we didn't quite make it that far. They held me in the tank and I never put on a suit or anything. They did throw the guys that we got into an altercation with into our cell.....after they got out of the hospital. It wasn't the injuries from our fight that landed them in the hospital, though......it was the injuries from the cops that kicked the shit out of them in the substation while they were shackeled to me and my friend. It was a crazy series of events for a 17 yr old. I definitely never got in trouble again after that. I ain't bout that life.
Latimer.....used to be out in the woods but not so much any more. Bout 10 miles north of I10 in west Jackson county.
Okay, how the hell did tirk, who doesn't have a wife and kids, get to make a RULE in your thread about not mentioning marriage and kids? My best days do include my kids, and it's funny how many folks' worst days involve...marriage (probably why tirk isn't married...) ETA: It's not your thread; it's Mastermind's; still...the point remains.
So many days . . . it's hard to pick one. There have been three days that I came quite close to death, I suppose those would be the worst. I was humbled, unnerved, shaking in my shoes. I am rarely humbled. The best might be the days immediately after those three. I was walking on air feeling invincible, cocky and euphoric.
Because if I make a rule or even what may seem a simple observation it's likely profound. I meant to make the rule before anyone posted but I let a few obligatory mind numbingly predictable posts slip by.