no problemo man. i tune in on fridays sometimes when we're around. my wife doesn't get it when i keep laughing. last night the clowns came up with this scheme to toss a stink bomb up on the front of the big whaling ship. They went in oen of their inflatable boats about a mile ahead of it and and turned around. Full speed ahead they went straight for the ship. They got to it and tried to throw a stink bomb up on the front up it. It's 60 feet high. Their throw went about ten feet up. and they damn near lost control of their little boat in the process. :hihi:
Animal Planet. Yeah, that show is ridiculous and fun to laugh at even though I'd hate it if the Japanese made the whales extinct. Those Japanese hold nothing holy. PS: The ship is named the Steve Irwin.
So isn't whaling illegal by international law? If so then why doesn't the navy just board the whalers, arrest them, and be done with it? If it's not illegal then why aren't the environmentalist arrested for attacking legit ships?
Dont worry Spock and Kirk will just go back in time after slingshooting around the sun to create some kind of wormhole thingy and go to San Fran and get a whale that is prego and take it back to the future by again slingshooting around the sun:hihi:
The Japanese are allowed to snipe a set number of whales in the name of "research", I believe. Nice, fat, juicy, sushi rolls of research. Chase that by devouring living mini-octopus.
I think the dummies would have more success if they just mirrored the whale boat. 2 big boats floating around should help scare off the whales. The whale boats could always harpoon their little rubber dingys.
Those PETA people were planning on disrupting the Grand Isle tarpon rodeo a while back until They found out that Nutriaitch was gonna be fishing there...they also got real scared when they found out that Nutriaitch was actually typical of Cajun people. They were also worried they'd run into a boatload of Cajunsensations and Sabanfans returning from the Somali pirate hunt full of beer that Okie had served them. :sob:.