Let me throw in another, although he is not one of my fav, and that is UConn's Jim Calhoun. Solid Program.
Mark Gottfried! LOL jk guys... Although he did do a great job turning around the Tide program. But seriously... Wimp Sanderson-Not the best or anything but a very good coach.
Coach K, Tom Izzo, Bobby Knight, John Cheney, Lute Olsen, and Roy Williams. Some of the other choices are baffling to say the least. Eddie Sutton? How many titles has he won? None, the last time I counted and he was involved in one of the worst scandals of all time at UK. Rick Pitino? The only thing he's been good at is knowing when to leave. Give him credit for a national title, but the guy knows to leave just before the NCAA comes snooping.
I hate Pitino with a passion (thought he was the greatest thing since Wonder Bread at UK). But Pitino leaving before the NCAA snoops around is plain stupid...Granted the man is a ego prick and the most hated man in Kentucky, but a cheater, no way. He is hell of a coach! Watching him go down to Tubby and the boys is just sweet. Coach K, Izzo, Few, Roy, Calhoun, Pitino,Knight, and Tubby. Can not believe no one said Tubby (I may be biased), but Tubby does have the best win/loss record the past 4 years. Tubby is the 5 fastest coach to win 350 games in less then 15 years.
Every major coach at UK from Rupp in '53, Hall in '78 and Sutton in '88 and '89has been nailed for a MAJOR infaction. Pitino knew when to leave.